Reclaiming Repair Position Papers + Workshop Instructions

Monday, April 8th, 2013

Please click to download the position papers accepted for this workshop: Reclaiming Repair Participant Position Papers (Updated April 17th 2013).


09:00-11:00 Welcome and Introductions
11:00-11:30 Tea Break
11:30-13:00 Discussion Session 1
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Discussion Session 2
15:00-15:30 Tea Break
15:30-17:30 Hands-On Activity
17:30-18:00 Wrap-Up

What to Prepare
1) Read position papers. Your thought pieces have now been uploaded to the conference blog –

These represent a diverse range of perspectives, it would be great if you could read them and get a sense of what your workshop colleagues are up to.

2) Come prepared to tell a 1-3 minute story about repair. In the introduction session we will be asking each of you to tell a repair story that resonates with your work, or your interests around repair. This should be no longer than 3 minutes. We encourage the use of pictures (if you email them to us in advice they will be prepared and ready for you) and of course bring along any broken or repaired objects to show and talk about.

3) Bring something broken. The hands on activity will be a collaborative repair session. During the afternoon we will be hearing about some of the mushrooming community repair projects in Europe and the US, from the organisers themselves. Please bring something broken to the workshop that we can repair together. This doesn’t have to be electronic. We will have a selection of tools available, but you are welcome to bring along your favourites. This session will provide some time for informal discussion, and also orient us towards the material work of repair and its place in our communities.

4) Let us know if you *will not* join us for dinner on April 28. We plan to make reservations at a local restaurant and will need to know how many people can attend (self-pay).

Workshops will be hosted at the Université Paris-Dauphine.

To go from the Palais des Congres (the main CHI venue) to the Dauphine, the best way is to get on the RER C metro line (1 stop), or to walk (1km or 5/8 of a mile).

Depending on where attendees are staying, the Metro Line 2 may work better for them (stop at Porte Dauphine).

Here is a map with Palais des Congrès and Université Paris-Dauphine:

We also added a new page to the CHI web page here:

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you need any further information. Will we send the room number for the workshop as soon as it is confirmed.

Best wishes!

Daniela Rosner
Steven Jackson
Lara Houston
Nimmi Rangaswamy
Garnet Hertz

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